A Joyful Guide To Presence w/ Swami Sitaramananda
A gifted speaker and teacher of yoga and meditation, Swami Sitaramananda has been serving for more than 30 years worldwide in the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Ashrams & Centers (SYVC). She has been for 17 years the director of the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm in Grass Valley, CA. She leads the daily satsang sessions (meditation, chanting, and lecture) and personally instructs and coaches resident students while at the ashram. She has been the main teacher of the Yoga Teacher Training Course at the Yoga Farm or many years. Swami Sitaramananda was ordained in 1985 as a sannyasin in the lineage of Saraswati, one of the 10 classical monastic orders founded in India. She is a direct disciple of Swami Vishnu-devananda, who is the disciple of Master Sivananda. She is an internationally respected teacher who presents the intricate yoga philosophy and practice in a simple, down to earth and humorous manner. Her lectures are based on the four classical paths of yoga as well as the 5 points of Health. She is an expert in teaching Positive thinking and how to deal with the mind and the emotions.
In This Episode You’ll Learn:
- How to to understand your true role as a parent
- The importance of recognizing body, mind, and spirit as one
- That with young children, the process of learning comes through absorption, not reasoning
- What children need most in their life to become a healthy adult.
As a bonus we’ve included a free MP3 of the Dhyana Slokas (Ganjananam) prayer at the beginning of this episode.
This is powerful stuff…Take 6 minutes out of you day. 3 in the morning and 3 in the evening and in just one week’s time your life will change. Use this meditation to clear your mind and destroy any obstacles in your path, inside or out.
Here’s how:
- Find somewhere comfortable to sit quietly and close your eyes.
- Take 3 deep belly breaths.
- In the morning, set one intention or goal for your day.
- In the evening, focus on one thing that you are grateful for.
- Press play and focus on your breath.
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