There are five petals on the flower of Mothering Arts; the mothers, the babies, the group leaders, the grandmothers, and the wise women. It’s a wish for all new mothers and their babies to be cared for and nurtured. It’s a wish for every mother to feel that she is supported and worthy of self-care. It’s a wish for mothers, babies, elders and wise women to come together share wisdom, nurturing and inspiration within their community. It’s a wish for new mothers and their babies to have a safe loving space to gather regularly. A place filled with laughter, new ideas, support, conversation, rejuvenation and at time tears. It is a place where each mother and child is honored and respected as they journey through life together.
Our wish is to re-ignite mother wisdom by connecting women in a community circle of sharing and to encourage women to embrace mothering as a path of self-development.
Our hope is to empower mothers to trust their inner wisdom rather than seek a “recipe” to follow. In our circle we are inclusive, authentic and strive for honest and real connections. Connections with our elders, within our community and of course with our babies.

Kerry lives in Northern California with her husband and son. Her education and experience include waldorf early childhood, LifeWays North America, and twelve years working with families and young children. She enjoys gardening, music, hiking, camping and creating magical family experiences.
As a bonus for our readers she offers a free guide of the top 5 tips from the elders of the Mothering Arts community. Get Your Copy Here
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