Parenting Without Power Struggles

Parenting Without Power Struggles

Do you find yourself engaging in power struggles, negotiations, and arguments with your children?

Do you want to stop relying on bribes, threats or punishments to get your children to do what you ask?

Join Susan and I as we role play a typical power struggle experience between parent and child. 

ACT 1 will guide you into the first steps in ending these frustrating interactions.
ACT 2 may sound very familiar, give you a giggle, and show what steps to take if you want to remain in the pattern of resistance.

Susan Stiffelman, (also known as the Huffington Post’s weekly “Parent Coach” advice columnist) is dedicated to helping parents raise joyful, resilient kids without meltdowns, power struggles, or the various thieves of joy that can interfere with a parent’s ability to enjoy the journey of parenthood.

Susan is a licensed Marriage, Family and Child therapist, a credentialed teacher, an educational therapist and a highly respected public speaker.

Her parenting approach focuses on helping parents build deep connection with their children, managing their reactions (regardless of how their kids are behaving) so that they can be the calm Captain of the ship they naturally cooperate with, confide in, and respect.

Susan Stiffelman embodies a unique blend of professional therapist, teacher, beloved auntie and down to earth mom.

Her first book:

Parenting Without Power Struggles: Raising Joyful, Resilient Kids While Staying Cool, Calm, and Connected
Is based on her work with thousands of parents and children, from celebrities to everyday moms and pops.

Her newest book:

Parenting With Presence: Practices for Raising Conscious, Confident, Caring Kids (An Eckhart Tolle Edition.)
Guides readers through a variety of insights and exercises to help them use the challenges of parenting to grow and transform.

Susan delivers practical, user-friendly parenting strategies that have been used with children from toddlers through young adults.

While she draws on her professional training and experience, her approach to raising kids falls into step with the spiritually-based understanding of people like Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie.

All the best,


P.S. Do you struggle to set healthy boundaries around screen time and video games. Want your kids to have fun online but concerned that they aren’t balancing their digital world with 3D activities? Join parenting author Susan Stiffelman for a free series called Parenting in the Digital Age. Speakers include Byron Katie, Alanis Morissette, Dr. Dan Siegel, Glennon Doyle Melton, Rachel Macy Stafford and a host of other writers, teachers, and experts in the field. Just click here to sign up! Only 1 week left!

Parenting In the Digital Age


  1. The link to the parenting in the digital age doesn’t work. Is it still available?

  2. The links to the parenting in the digital age don’t seem to be working. Are they still available?

  3. Hi- I’d love to know how I can listen to the Parenting in the digital age summit- is it still available to listen to? Wonderful epidode- glad I️ foundthis!

  4. Author

    Hi Helena, you can sign up to be on our mailing list at When you go to the website it should pop up and give you the option. I share mostly through podcasting right now. If there is a specific question you have or a topic you would like more information on, please let me know!

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