The Truth Behind The Bedtime Battle

The Truth Behind The Bedtime Battle

In this conversation, Andrew Newman of The Conscious Bedtime Story Club  shares why he believes the last 20 minutes of each day are so precious.

When our attention and intention are in the right place during this time,  it can transform, not only our lives, but the lives of our children.

Andrew’s deep insight and heartfelt perspective will guide you past the surface behavior issues and help you understand why getting your child to bed may be a struggle for you.

He offers us 4 factors that influence the quality of connection in the evening and 10 ways to connect without saying a word. Click Here To Grab Your Copy.

Listen in to hear about what inspired him to begin writing conscious bedtime stories and how you can get involved in the story club. 

Here Is a Bit From Our Chat

“The intention of having a good connection at bedtime is to allow the difficulties of the day to have their place and to fall away, so that one can transition into sleep.

If parents can move from the authority position to the ally position, the experience can happen together.

For many restless souls, we have a deep desire to be seen and to have a feeling of a sense of belonging, and to be acknowledged for who we are, and to be supported for the difficulties that we had in our day.

I believe that when that happens, the body rests.

When the body rests, the transition to sleep and the ease of the argumentative phase will change in the family field.

If we wake up and in ourselves there is a blank slate, we are connected with ourselves, and we’ve got this beauty centered essence of ourselves, we can go out into the world with great enthusiasm that we can just BE ourselves.

If it is a good day, we may make it half way through the day before the world tells us we can’t be ourselves, in some way.

So we make a little adjustment at that point, and then another message comes in. Maybe it is on the sports field, wherever it happens, it is happening all the time.

There’s these little ways we are interpreting that we cannot be ourselves, and there’s no way to stop that.

Parents are creating this, teachers are creating this, adults are creating this, kids are creating this with each other, it’s happening everywhere.

But there is a way to reset that at the end of each day through this time and connection.

There is a validation moment that says, ‘So what happened today? How’d it go? What are you thinking about?

Sometimes you need to have the time and space to say, I acknowledge that that didn’t go as well as we had hoped, or let’s talk about what could be done differently next time.

These types of togetherness conversations happen, it is like setting the reset button so the next morning your child wakes up with their clean slate again.

They can rest well, without the psyche wrestling all night with who I am or whether or not I was right or wrong because I feel the connection, the love, the caring, and the belonging in this family.” -Andrew Newman

Free Gift
Precious Silence: 10 Ways to Connect Without Saying a Word. 
Click Here To Grab Your Copy.




Contact Details
Signup for the story club updates on or reach out to Andrew directly on

Facebook Page
Conscious Bedtime Story Club

If you’d like to support Andrew’s Peace Camp and story telling in Israel, please contribute on before Feb 28th 2016

All the best,


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