Verbal vs Nonverbal Communication w/ Fonta Hadley
Today we welcome Fonta Hadley to the show. Fonta is a verbal and non-verbal communication teacher. Using perceptual and behavioral tools she teaches a rich mix of logical and emotional communication for personal and professional development.
Fonta conducts leadership trainings for executives from Fortune 500 companies including Goldman Sachs, Apple, American Express, Google, and Microsoft. She regularly trains speakers and presenters for such companies as Genentech, UCSF Medical Center, Ebay and The Nielsen Norman Group. Fonta teaches public speaking and is a guest trainer at various Bay Area Toastmasters clubs.
Fonta holds an MA in vocal pedagogy (spoken) from the Central School of Speech and Drama in London and is a member of the Voice and Speech Trainers Association (VASTA). She has taught and lectured in London, New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
In this episode you’ll learn:
- What is it that allows us to instantly “connect” with some people while others never quite “get it”.
- What is the difference between and emotional communicator and a logical communicator.
- How to work with our habitual default patterns of communication.
- What is mixed messaging.
- How is technology effecting are ability to connect with our family.
- How we parent has a lot to do with our leadership skills.
- Communication is a LEARNED skill…and YOU can develop it.
For more info check out Fonta’s website below: